Mechanical testing of different structures and large full-scale components is vital to optimise structures as well as prolonging lifetime and thereby ensure savings.

21 April 2021

Mechanical testing performed by celebrities

In our mechanical testing facilities, we perform different types of tests on products and materials. Some tests are standard, while other tests are non-standard. In order to meet different test requirements, we need to have a wide range of testing capabilities.

These testing capabilities will help you evaluate almost anything from small scale crack growth to multi-axial testing of large industrial components.

For decades, one of our work horses has been an old Losenhausen 1000 kN test frame, commissioned in 1948 and nicknamed “Sophia Loren” - probably due to her stylish looks and elegance. It has been the go-to choice when we needed to apply a big load during a tensile test – imagine the weight of 20 African elephants! 

Sophia’s operation is quite basic by today’s standards, yet for over 70 years, her strength has always been there to help evaluate the structural behavior of very strong samples. It has also been relatively easy to find spare parts for her, such as the time when a hydraulic pump failed, only to be replaced quickly by a part sourced from our local truck spare parts supplier. But modernisation was inevitable.

The Terminator has now replaced Sophia with even more elephants

Sophia Loren has now retired from the limelight and her 20 elephants can finally put their feet up and gaze into the sunset.

A modern 2000 kN test frame was selected as a replacement and due to it beind twice as strong as Sophia, it was soon referred to as “The Terminator”.

Sophia Loren, our 70-year-old 1000 kN test frame
Sophia Loren, our 70-year-old 1000 kN test frame
After 70 years of service, Sophia Loren has now retired and has been replaced by The Terminator.
After 70 years of service, Sophia Loren has now retired and has been replaced by The Terminator.

Replacing Sophia’s original levers and dials with advanced servo-hydraulic controls gave us the ability to have finer control over the test, meaning that The Terminator could also be delicate if needed. 

Although The Terminator is formidable, it does not require a lot of floor space and is quite happy doing its thing in its allocated part of the test laboratory, as long as the sample can fit through an unmodified door.  

Mechanical test bench equivalent to 60 elephants

If the sample is difficult to fit through an unmodified door, then we need to move testing to one of our other test facilities at Lindø Component and Structure Testing A/S.

Mechanical tests of large structures at Lindø Component and Structure Testing A/S
Mechanical tests of large structures at Lindø Component and Structure Testing A/S

Here we don’t have doors to worry about and since it is situated in a port, we can also receive test samples that arrive by ship. The testing takes place outdoors with a capacity that ranges from 125 kN up to 3 MN, adds another 1000 kN (and takes us close to 60 elephants!).

Loads can be applied in 6 directions, providing a high degree of test flexibility, such as when considering multiaxial fatigue for large components and structures.

An example of a 1-meter long sample that was used during fatigue testing by The Terminator.
An example of a 1-meter long sample that was used during fatigue testing by The Terminator.

In conclusion, you can have strong structures bent, stretched and compressed at our facilities. Moreover, our accredited quality management system will also ensure that you always get accurate and reliable results.

Click here for a tour of our test facilities.