Verification of measuring instruments
If you use meters, measuring systems or equipment as settlement basis for purchases or other legal transactions, you are liable to ensure that your measuring instrument is legally controlled.
Verification of measuring instruments is an important parameter in regards to transactions
When using meters or measuring equipment such as weights and scales for purchases, sales or any other kind of transactions between you and your customer, you are liable to ensure that the measuring instrument is legally verified. As owner of the equipment, you are responsible for ensuring that the instrument is verified.When your measuring instrument has been verified, it can be legally used for transactions, and both you and your customer can be sure that the transaction is based on correct measurements.
Verification of measuring instruments must be in compliance with the legislation
A verification ensures that your measuring instruments comply with the requirements for maximum permissible error and measuring tolerances in general.You must ensure that initial verification has been performed prior to putting your measuring instrument in use, and that re-verification is performed subsequently. How often you need a re-verification depends on the type of your measuring instrument.
Furthermore, your instrument must be re-verified:
- if the sealing breaks
- in case of
structural changes to the measuring instrument - if the measuring instrument no longer complies with the applied tolerances.
Verification of measuring instruments with FORCE Technology
FORCE Technology performs accredited verification of:
- Measuring instruments for petrol and diesel
- Measuring instruments for oil
- Measuring instruments for milk, wine- and beer
- Measuring instruments for liquids other than water
- Scales and weights
- Water meters
- Hot water meters
- Gas meters
- Multidimensional instruments.
Verification of measuring instruments and related services can often be performed according to your requirements and demands at FORCE Technology. Depending on the type of measuring instrument, we perform verification at our own test facilities as well as on-site at your locations, such as petrol stations, on road tankers, at off-shore installations, at stock facilities and on other mobile systems.
As a customer with FORCE Technology, you benefit from our broad expertise within verification and calibration of measuring instruments. Your verification will be handled by specialists, who hold widespread expert knowledge and many years’ experience within verification and calibration.
Initial verification/ Product verification
In connection with initial verification/product verification of MID approved instruments, FORCE Technology cooperates with FORCE Certification. FORCE Certification is an independent Notified Body, certified to perform MID certification, including product verification of measuring instruments prior to putting them into use on the market.
Contact us to learn more about verification of meters and measuring instruments or to order a verification.

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