Our wind tunnels are well-suited for experimental investigations of issues related to civil engineering, including bridges and buildings, and maritime vessels and structures, including ships and offshore structures.

In our wind tunnels, various structures such as bridges,  buildingsships and maritime structures, as well as wind turbines and other offshore installations, can undergo extensive testing.

Closed circuit wind tunnel (WT1)

Dimensions: 2.60 x 1.00 x 0.70 m
Max. flow velocity: 80 m/s

wind tunnel, FORCE Technology, Closed circuit wind tunnel

Boundary-layer wind tunnel (WT2)

Dimensions: 21.00 x 2.60 x 1.80-2.30 m
Max. flow velocity: 24 m/s

boundary layer wind tunnel

Wide boundary-layer wind tunnel (WT3)

Dimensions: 15.50 x 13.60 x 1.70 m
Max. flow velocity: 7.3 m/s

wind tunnel vindtunnel, bridge test, vind tunnel test af broer

Truncated wide boundary-layer wind tunnel (WT4)

Dimensions: 15.50 x 7.50 x 1.70 m
Max. flow velocity: 12 m/s

Wind tunnel 4

Climatic Wind Tunnel (WT5)

Dimensions: 15.50 x 7.50 x 1.70 m
Max. flow velocity: 25 m/s
Temperatur down to -5 degrees Celsius at maximum flow velocity

Climate wind tunnel, ice coating, FORCE Technology