Offshore fish farms are currently a small fraction of the overall global aquaculture, but with a growing world population they will play an increasingly important role when it comes to meeting the anticipated demand for seafood.

If an offshore facility is placed in the ideal location, the water passes through the cage and washes away lice and other pollutants, giving the fauna a habitat as close to natural as possible.

By testing the hydrodynamic and aerodynamic forces affecting the offshore structure you will be able to optimise the operation and lower your maintenance costs. 

Our services include:

  • Measurements of the environmental induced motions, velocities and accelerations on the floating elements supporting the fish farm cages
  • Measurements of the environmental loads
  • Wave drift and current forces on the floaters
  • Vortex induced motions and vibrations (VIM and VIV) on underwater and above water elements of the fish farm structure 
  • Motion induced shear force and moments between the sections of the fish cage supporting floaters
  • Loads and experimental verification of the mooring system

To help you optimise your fish farm operations, we also conduct mooring analyses of fish farm cages.