Find a selection of the newest articles from our experts here

Improving subsea asset health with FiGS®
FiGS® technology and local hubs reduce costs and extend subsea asset lifespan.

Offshore asset management in Southeast Asia
Advanced inspection technologies improve safety, extend lifespan, and reduce costs offshore.

Ensuring safe offshore pipeline operations in Thailand
Advanced subsea inspection technology to prevent pipeline spills and protect Thailand’s environment.

Pipeline integrity solutions for Southeast Asia
Advanced technology and inspection services ensuring safe and reliable pipelines in Southeast Asia.

Pipeline Integrity Management & ANDT Services
Ensure your subsea asset integrity with our advanced Automated Non-Destructive Testing solutions.

Ensuring subsea integrity with FIGS in deep waters
FORCE Technology's FIGS and ROVs ensure subsea integrity with advanced cathodic protection.

Pipeline integrity management with CorPos-ADMT & ANDT
Enhance pipeline integrity management with CorPos-ADTM & ANDT. Learn more today!

Revolutionizing subsea inspection of CP systems
FiGS® offers non-contact assessments, boosting maintenance efficiency and extending CP systems' lifespan.

cathodic protection
Looking to reduce the environmental footprint for offshore cathodic protection?

Reduces enviormental footprint for Cathodic protection
Offshore Wind Concepts for Cathodic Protection of monopiles at varying depths

NDT-faget er attraktivt for kvinner
Olje & industri bransjen og yrker innenfor NDT har historisk sett vært mannsdominerte.

Digital radiografi
Hvor er vi i dag med digital radiografi?

E-læring og Blended Learning bidra til læringsutbytte.
Blended Learning har de siste årene blitt et viktig begrep innen utdannelse og læring.

Oppfriskningskurs for NDT-teknikere
Som Nivå 3-ansvarlig får du nå digitale verktøy.

Taking risk to a lower level using strategy and insight
The main risk to any facility is unwanted incidents due to failing barriers, and as a company with a long-standing experience with Asset Integrity management and Risk based inspection (RBI), we offer our thoughts and perspectives on the topic from a materials and corrosion aspect.

How stressed is the stress joint?
Effect of waves and currents on 14" production riser stress joint at 1200m depth?

Synsprøve ISO 18490
Utfører du synsprøver på NDT-inspektører? Les mer om de nye krav her.

Ren luft for fremtidige generasjoner
Få innsikt i utslippsmålinger og reduksjon av luftforurensning for bedre miljø.

Hvordan ser fremtidens NDT-utdannelse ut?
Fremtidens NDT-utdannelse er tilgjengelig, individualisert og digital.

Calibrated for the future
Through a multidisciplinary approach and advanced technology, we optimised a closed cage fish farming system.

How to quantify fugitive methane emissions from landfills
The dynamic tracer gas dispersion method can help overcome these challenges.

How to measure and reduce emissions of particles and black carbon from ship engines
How to prepare and optimise measurements of black carbon emissions.