Speaker presentation

We are proud to present a selection of our best-in-class speakers for this year’s conference on sustainable product development of electronics and materials.

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Anders Bonde Kentved

Anders Bonde Kentved, Specialist, Engineering & Test, FORCE Technology.

Anders performs test and development of electronics and mechanics for demanding environments.

Responsible for the Danish National Metrology lab. for humidity measurements (since 2003). Responsible for testing of thermal energy meters and flow meters (since 2006).

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Jan Bjerre Christensen

Jan Bjerre Christensen, Reliability specialist, FORCE Technology.

Jan has more than 30 years of experience with mechatronic solutions for electronic equipment in rough environments. Industrial electronic enclosure design consultation, for challenging conditions such as: temperature, humidity, vibration, electromagnetic compatibility etc.

Presentation: “Humidity resistant design - New strategies”

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Jannick Roth

Jannick Roth, Head of Building Performance Engineering at WindowMaster International A/S with a 15+ years of experience. Jannick Roth has a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) specializing in indoor climate, optimal ventilation design and energy-efficient construction. Jannick has worked on a wide variety of projects of varying sizes during his career, with a particular experience of natural- and mixed-mode projects throughout Europe and US. He has experience with several software tools in relation to dynamic building simulations of the indoor climate and energy consumption and produces flow calculations (CFD). Furthermore, he is involved in several international research projects focussing on creating lowered energy consumption and better indoor climate in building. Lobby activities and being a member and task group leader of different working groups on European level as well as national level Denmark, UK, ASHRAE (US) etc. is also a part of his work.

Presentation: “Exploring WindowMaster own data to ensure system performance and product circularity”

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Karen Andreassen

Karen Andreassen, Standardisation & Product legislation at WindowMaster International A/S. Karen Andreassen have a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and a Master of Environmental Management both from Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Karen Andreassen is specialized in machinery technology and production planning; however, her career has concentrated on EU product policy and requirements. First in the NGO Dansk Varefakta Nævn working with consumer labelling and acting as market inspection on EU energy labelling and ecodesign requirements for the Danish Energy Agency. Then at VELUX A/S working with product requirements and standardisation for construction products especially smoke ventilation and sustainability.

Karen Andreassen joined WindowMaster International A/S in 2019 and is responsible for overall product compliance, sustainability, and circularity. She is also convenor of the Danish mirror committee S-611 covering standardisation for RoHS, WEEE and Ecodesign.

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Kristian Holm Nielsen

Kristian Holm Nielsen, Specialist and Metallurgist at FORCE Technology. Skilled in metallurgy, materials, manufacturing, supply chain, corrosion, quality, supply chain, failure and root cause analysis, research, and product development. 14 years’ experience from the mining industry as both specialist and manager and 4 years’ experience from the consultancy business as specialist. 

Presentation: “Steel in a circular and green agenda”

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Lina Psarra

Sustainability Integration Manager for Group Sustainability in Danfoss.

Lina started her career in the field of LCA and was actively involved in the development of European and international standards on LCA and EPD. She has 6 years of experience on the corporate sustainability sector. In Danfoss she coordinates the circular economy work including establishing partnerships and develops common approaches, tools and methods to measure their progress against their 2030 targets across all three business segments.

Presentation: "Systematic application of sustainability tools in new product development."

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Lykke Margot Richard

Lykke Margot Ricard, Associate Professor in Sustainable Innovation and Technology at the Department of Technology and Innovation, Faculty of Engineering. University of Southern Denmark (SDU). Lykke has worked in industry and in public sector consultancy before returning to academia in 2019. She has been leading the educational master program in Product Development and Innovation since 2019 Since September 2022 she is research group leader of Circular Economy and Innovation as part of SDU Innovation and Design Engineering. Her research deals with issues such as potentials for circular economy i.e., reuse and recycling of materials such as materials in wind turbines, solar panels, textiles, and electronics embedded in plastic, as well as questions regarding waste prevention. Design for longevity, design for disassembly, and material driven design are some of the design innovation strategies that she focusses on. She is a frequent and eloquent commentator in the media who has become a recognized expert in sustainability in innovation and technology as an integral part of a sustainable transition and system innovation.

Presentation: “Design for Disassembly enabling Circularity”

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Marco Bonato

Marco Bonato, Reliability Manager and Reliability Senior Expert, Valeo. Marco has been working with Valeo since 2012. His responsibility includes the management and expertise development of the three branches of reliability engineering: operational, experimental and predictive.
Marco holds a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from the University of Bristol (UK) - under the co-supervision of Prof. Vala Ragnarsdóttir. Prior to this, he obtained a Master’s degree in Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Padua (Italy).

Presentation: "Extended Life Requirements in Automotive: Case Study of Valeo Power components."

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Michael Pecht

Professor, Director of Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE), University of Maryland.

Has a BS in Physics, an MS in Electrical Engineering and an MS and PhD in Engineering Mechanics from the University of Wisconsin. He is an IEEE Fellow, a PHM Society Life Fellow, an ASME Fellow, an ASM Fellow, an SAE Fellow and an IMAPS Fellow. He served as editor-in-chief of ASME Open, IEEE Access, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Microelectronics Reliability, and Circuit World. He has also served on three U.S. National Academy of Science studies, two US Congressional investigations in automotive safety, and as an expert to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. In 2008, he was awarded the highest reliability honor, the IEEE Reliability Society’s Lifetime Achievement Award 

Presentation: "The Re-use and Recycling of Lithiumion Batteries."

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Tim C. McAloone

Tim C. McAloone, Professor, PhD, Head of Section of Design for Sustainability at DTU Construct and Co-lead, DTU Centre for absolute Sustainability. Tim has been a member of staff at DTU since 1998. He works closely with Danish industry, finding new methods and models for a wide range of product development issues, such as product/service-systems, sustainable design, product innovation and the process of product development itself. Having a curiosity for sustainability and business innovation, he has a couple of start-up experiences under his belt.

Presentation: “Sustainability in innovation: In search of the absolute sustainable product”