The wind effect everyday life and designers try to minimise the impact when constructing a new vessel, building, bridge or offshore structure. With a wind tunnel test you can predict the wind loads and pressure and thereby optimise the design regarding the wind forces.
Our services
Aerodynamic assessment of bridges
Test of components, sections and scale models of bridges.
Aerodynamic assessment of vessels
Wind tunnel test can ensure that the vessel meets the operational and class requirements.
Aerodynamic assessment of wind turbine wings
Aerodynamic services related to wind energy, e.g. sitting in complex terrain or icing on blades.
Aerodynamic tests for offshore structures
We perform wind tunnel studies for the offshore industry on numerous types of offshore structures.
Aviation aerodynamics
Aerodynamic services related to the operation of aircrafts and planning of related facilities.
Wind loads on buildings and structures
A good wind environment around a structure or area is central to usability and financial success.
Our facilities

Climatic wind tunnel

Wind tunnels
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Wind tunnels for aerodynamic testing of structures and components.

Maximise Offshore Vessel efficiency
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Wind tunnel study: Icing on overhead power lines
Explore case study: Climatic wind tunnel testing for atmospheric icing on overhead power lines.

Services supporting the entire wind power value chain
Unparalleled, interdisciplinary and certified wind power expertise, from design through end-of-life

Test of new bridge cabel concept
Surface modification of cable ducts for the Champlain Bridge in Montreal has been tested in our climatic wind tunnel.

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Is it safe to land or take-off at your helideck?
As it is required by authorities, the influence of the airflow conditions shall be investigated.