Co-operation with an RTO contributes to increased productivity, growth, and better utilisation of technological opportunities in businesses.

Clusters, networks and partnerships full of opportunities

Working together with FORCE Technology gives you access to an infrastructure of technology and innovation that is comprehensive and advanced, both physically and in terms of the level of skill involved.

For businesses and educational institutions, participating in clusters, networks or partnerships with FORCE Technology opens the door to cross-industry, cross-sector conduits for knowledge, through:

The GTS infrastructure

As a GTS institute (government-approved research and technology organisation - RTO), we work closely with the six other GTS institutes, which complement each other in knowledge and development. Among other ways, this occurs by means of joint research and development projects, joint knowledge sharing, and centralised development on common platforms. We also ensure access to well over 100 unique testing facilities for Danish industry.


Over the years, our close collaboration with universities has had a significant effect on the level of knowledge at FORCE technology, and on the contributions of technology and knowledge made by universities to the industry. Today, we have a comprehensive collaborative arrangement with all Danish universities, plus a large number of international universities and research organisations.

Clusters and networks

We are well-represented in both Danish and international innovation networks, and our co-operation in this area is continually expanding. Clusters and networks actively channel knowledge between research institutions and emerging business areas, ensuring that demonstration projects and knowledge are presented to relevant target groups and stakeholders.

FORCE Technology is a knowledge partner in 12 out of 13 Danish clusters for knowledge and business.

Form a partnership and contribute to technological developments

Many of our investments in new technologies happens in close collaboration with the industry and with universities. By utilising our shared capacity and skills, we have been able to meet an ever-increasing need for technological development and innovation across industries and sectors.

Contribute to technological developments and increased productivity in your sector — contact us to learn more about opportunities for partnerships and networks.

FORCE Technology is knowledge partner in these clusters: