Testing of products and structures

Testing of structures, products and full-scale components ensure timely optimisation, savings and longer life span. 

Chemical test of personal protective equipment


Testing and analysis of chemical protection gloves and suits or materials, and respirators.

Chemical test of personal protective equipment (PPE)


Compliance testing and analysis of PPE to ensure quality and documentation.

Climatic test of large components


Test of large components, structures and functional systems under realistic conditions.

Component and material testing


FORCE Technology offers testing of structural materials and components according to the various standards.

Corrosion testing of materials and components for CCS


Corrosion testing of materials and components for CCS.

e-marking of prepackages


e-marking of prepackages guarantees that you avoid possible hindrance to exports of prepackages.

Mechanical test of large components


Measuring of the characteristics and responses needed for evaluation of structures and systems.

Product testing, examination and certification


One-stop shop - we will find a solution to your product testing requirements.

Sustainability screening – get help early


Get your mechanical, electromechanical or electronic product reviewed early in development.

Sustainable product development – help for the process


Sustainable product development – get help for a systematic product development process.

Type testing and approval of meters


Approval of water, heat, gas and cooling meters ensures a certificate of conformity.