Webinars on-demand
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FORCE Technology offers a range of webinars on a wide range of topics. Each webinar lasts between a half and an hour, and it is free to attend.
To allow you to stay up to date, we record selected webinars so you can watch them when it suits you best.
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Webinar: Modular PtX systems in harsh environments
In this webinar, we will discuss best practice and do’s and don’t’s in in terms of design and materials choices to achieve a long lifetime in an offshore environment.
PtX technologies in offshore environments
With the emphasis on the green transition and recently also security concerns the push away from fossil fuels and towards renewable alternatives has gained significant momentum. Power-to-x (PtX) technologies is expected to be a key component in the future energy mix to ensure a stable energy output despite a large increase in the use of intermittent energy sources. This can be achieved by hydrogen production in electrolysis plants in times of high energy production and low demand and subsequent energy production from the hydrogen when and where the energy is needed.
These PtX facilities will increasingly have to be placed in coastal or offshore environment, for example on designated energy-islands or directly on offshore wind turbines. The marine environment places hard demands on the materials and design of components. This is greatly exacerbated by the difficult of accessing and performing service on installations offshore possibly combined with ATEX or high voltage areas.
Modular solutions where the sensitive equipment is encased in a shipping container, or a shell developed for the purpose, that can be delivered to the point of service have been attracting attention and is likely to be the solution of choice in some cases. However, to make the solution viable, and not overly resource demanding, the container, its content, and surrounding installations should be able to withstand 25 years of service at sea with only limited maintenance. To achieve this significant development is required.
Hydrogen in pipelines
The gas network is one of the most profitable ways to transport hydrogen. Thus, the Danish gas network will be crucial in connection to the purchase, storage, and distribution of a significant part of the energy produced from renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, which may subsequently be converted into hydrogen.
The workshop, will focus on both the challenges that are known and where we have solutions, but also the challenges that we lack knowledge of and solutions to. We have gathered a number of speakers who will explain the various challenges and start the debate.
Materials compability in hydrogen environments
To follow up on the immense interest on the subject since our workshop in January 2021, we hosted a webinar on materials compability in hydrogen environments. Focus was on metallic materials and possibilities of mitigating risk by e.g. coatings. Presentations were covered by a range of our specialists.
Topics covered during the webinar;- How does hydrogen cause damage in metallic materials?
- How can we test to mitigate risk and define the limits of applications?
- Case on hydrogen induced stress cracking testing
- Guidelines and standards – who decides what is safe?
- Permeation testing and theory on metals. Does hydrogen even enter the steel, and then what?
- Permeation of hydrogen through coatings and elastomers – are they affected?
The webiunar consisted of 4 parts:
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Materials compability in hydrogen environments
Part 3: Permeation testing
Part 4: Coatings and elastomers in hydrogen environments
Online workshop: Metrology for large scale hydrogen production
Power-to-X is an essential part of the green transition in the Danish energy sector. For decades the Danish wind turbine industry has demonstrated an ability to establish and sustain a technology leadership. Power-to-X will extend this leadership with new value chains from upstream green power production to consumers.
Key elements of these value chains are large scale hydrogen production, development of the Power-to-X infrastructure and the knowhow required to operate the infrastructure in optimal coordination between power production and power consumption.
Water electrolysis is a well-established technology that has been used industrially for a century. What roles do metrology and instrumentation play in the scale up of water electrolysis for safe and cost-effective green hydrogen production? Are there any gabs between the available laboratory facilities and the needs seen by the industry? Upscaling puts more focus on custody transfer, fiscal measurements and needs for independent 3rd party control of instrumentation.
Fuel cell and hydrogen tool box part 1
Watch our short webinar at FORCE Technology on fuel cells and water electrolysis with component manufacturing point of view, part 1.
Do not take a detour on P2X – Get a 15 year head start.
You will be introduced to some of our manufacturing methods, testing and R&D. And you will get acquainted with our specialists as well.
Fuel cell and hydrogen tool box part 2
Watch our short webinar at FORCE Technology on fuel cells and water electrolysis with component manufacturing point of view, part 1.
Do not take a detour on P2X – Get a 15 year head start.
You will be introduced to some of our manufacturing methods, testing and R&D. And you will get acquainted with our specialists as well.
Legal metrology for metering of e-fuels
The environmental challenge has initiated a large number of projects aiming at producing hydrogen or e-fuels. Join this webinar to hear about metering, verification, and type approval.
Some proposals intend to inject hydrogen into the natural gas grid resulting in households receiving up to 25 % hydrogen. Other proposes to produce liquid e-fuels in terms of synthetic oils.
The key “new” fuels are all based on hydrogen.
Consumer protection is a critical parameter. Legal metrology aims at securing the confidence in metering for the end user. The Legal metrology fundamentals is a type testing setup and a periodically verification after installation.
Watch this webinar to hear about metering, verification, and type approval.
Safe hydrogen service
PtX and hydrogen infrastructure is an area in rapid development. At FORCE Technology we focus on exploring the limits for safe service in hydrogen.
Currently, standards and regulations are not fully developed and suppliers and other stakeholders in the hydrogen infrastructure need guidelines. Rather than purely theoretical studies, we focus on testing as a means to ensure safe service in hydrogen.
DGC joins the webinar as our partner in establishing the Test Centre for Hydrogen Technology in collaboration with FORCE Technology. Watch our webinar to learn more about test options and our recommendations for safe hydrogen service.
Hygienic design
CFD simulations of processing systems
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a simulation tool used to calculate and solve flow-related problems, such as the aerodynamics of a car, the cooling of a battery, or the combustion process inside a boiler. A CFD analysis can be highly beneficial during the design phase of any flow system by calculating full-scale problems under several operating conditions and avoiding expensive experimental tests.
Since CFD allows 3D full-scale simulations of complex geometries and physics, it is an excellent tool for design, validation and compliance of processing systems, and gives a complete overview of the product before making a physical prototype.
The purpose of this webinar is to discuss
- why use CFD in the design of processing systems?
- how do we apply CFD efficiently in this sector?
- what applications can benefit from CFD simulations?
When doing so, we will present stories/cases from the food and pharma industries where CFD simulations have made a difference.
Hygenic design with focus on EHEDG guidelines and good design processes
Update you knowledge on hygienic design of production facilities and the involved processes of qualifying designs and the subsequent qualification.
Hygienic design is crucial for proper process hygiene and the first step is to use hygienic components and the next to combine them in a hygienic manner.
The webinar will focus on the general process of assuring hygienic design of a process line and hygienic components i.e. EHEDG certified equipment and the application of the V-model as a project tool to document and qualify hygiejnic design in a process.
EHEDG certification of tank cleaning devices
This webinar focusses on selected topics from the recently issued EHEDG guideline no. 51 on Hygienic Design Aspects for Tank and Vessel Cleaning in the Food Industry.
The first part will be on the possibilities for certification of tank cleaning devices and the possibilities therefore offered by the EHEDG Accredited Testing Laboratory at FORCE Technology. The second part will highlight key aspects of hygienic design from the guideline.
Bo Jensen, Alfa Laval Tank Equipment and chairman of the EHEDG working group on Tank Cleaning will join the webinar and provide his insights. -
Hygienic Design Risk Management requirements from FSSC 22000 & BRCGS
If you and your company sometimes feel uncertain about incorporating the risk hygienic design demands in the User Requirement Specification, or if you’ve found that risk assessments of hygienic design have been inadequate during production, or if there’s a disconnect in communication regarding the necessary hygienic design when acquiring new equipment, then the webinar on Hygienic Design Risk Management by FORCE Technology may be of interest to you.
The webinar introduces approaches and tools which can facilitate risk assessment of equipment with regards to hygienic design and the subsequent needs for documentation.
Life science
Introduction and trends within predictive maintenance
Many production facilities are already collecting, storing and analyzing data. With new technologies like digital twins and IoT, we get new possibilities, by utilizing new data-sources and combining monitored data with simulated data.
In this webinar, the speakers will talk about current mega-trends, on-going research and describe the current cases within the fields of Digital Twins and IoT. You will get an introduction to how new digital technologies can give new insights for optimization of production processes and predictive maintenance.
IoT-driven supply chain management in the life science industry
Supply chain monitoring and new technologies are rapidly evolving. Technological development is changing the way supply chains are monitored and controlled - thereby avoiding wastage and delays - but also creating completely new value-chains and business models.
In this webinar, targeted at the pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and medical technology industries, you will learn about some of the new technological opportunities and considerations that the IoT technology can bring to new supply chain initiatives. Focus will be on choice of IoT technology, location, data retrieval, analysis of data and tracking.
Optimise maintenance with new data-driven measurement and calibration strategies
Often, measuring equipment is not calibrated as needed, but according to the recommendation of the supplier or automatically according to industry recommended intervals. This calls for new strategies and methods of self-monitoring and data-driven preventive calibration methods that ensure optimal production processes.
In this webinar, you will get insights to new digital tools that help determine the optimum level of maintenance of measuring equipment taking into consideration safety, risk, and economy. -
Optimise the pharma and biotech production process with hygienic design
Pharmaceutical and biotechnology production lines are dependent of clean and, often, sterile equipment to avoid impurities and contamination with allergenic substances. With new knowledge about hygienic design, it is possible to implement sustainable solutions that not only secure clean and sterile equipment but also reduce the risks of down-time, find savings and save resources, such as water and time.
In this webinar, you will get a brief introduction to how hygienic design can optimise the production processes in the pharma and biotech industries in both the design phase and during operations. -
Towards greener medical devices
Recent trends indicate, that both the consumers and the health sector will pose higher demands for sustainable and environmentally friendly medical devices in the near future.
So how do medical device manufacturers prepare for the increasing demand for green devices?
During the webinar, you will get an introduction to:
- Eco-design and sustainable development of new medical devices
- Documenting environmental impact
- Total cost of ownership (TCO)
- Life cycle (LCA)
- Carbon Footprint
- Application of requirements for environmentally conscious design (IEC 60601-1-9 )
- Nice-to-have or necessity - from a health sector perspective
Optimisation of flue gas cleaning solutions using CFD
Flue gas cleaning units are commonly used to discharge clean air into the atmosphere and comply with environmental regulations. However, the ability of these units to function properly is highly dependent on flow distribution inside them. During this webinar, you will learn how CFD can be used to create optimal flow distribution inside flue gas cleaning units, ensuring maximum efficiency at the lowest cost.
After this webinar, you will know how CFD can help:- Ensure optimal performance and maximum cleaning efficiency.
- Reduce system pressure drop, CapEx and OpEx.
- Solve commonly reported problems, through identification of factors that should not be overlooked.
- Provide valuable data on when/how a unit will function properly, before making expensive decisions.
The latest methods in mechanical and materials testing
Watch this webinar and get good insights into mechanical testing of products and material testing. This gives you better conditions for deciding what, why and how when you need to test your product.
Mechanical and structural testing of materials, components and systems is a specialised field used for development and validation work in various industries and disciplines. In this area, where little or no formal education is available, many of those working with testing build their knowledge using hands-on experience. -
How to ensure the quality of personal protective equipment PPE and medical face masks
Get good insight on how to ensure that your purchased personal protective equipment (PPE) meets the requirements for safety and quality - and how to check whether the CE mark and documentation is correct.
Medical face masks and PPE, such as filtering face masks, must be CE marked before they can be sold on the European market - but what are the requirements for the different products? And how do you make sure that the products you purchase are actually CE marked and meet the requirements for safety and quality?
As a distributor or importer, it is your responsibility that the product you market and sell in EU meets the requirements - and that you can document this. Currently, we are seeing problems with incorrectly labeled products, fake certificates and other issues that make it difficult to see whether the product actually is what it appears to be. -
Hydrogen in pipelines
The gas network is one of the most profitable ways to transport hydrogen. Thus, the Danish gas network will be crucial in connection to the purchase, storage, and distribution of a significant part of the energy produced from renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, which may subsequently be converted into hydrogen.
The workshop, will focus on both the challenges that are known and where we have solutions, but also the challenges that we lack knowledge of and solutions to. We have gathered a number of speakers who will explain the various challenges and start the debate.
Syringes, sharps containers and disposable gloves
What are the relevant standards and requirements for syringes, sharps containers and disposable gloves?
This webinar is divided into two parts. The first one will be about syringes and sharps containers. The second part will look into the standards and requirements for disposable PPE gloves.
Fracture mechanics and ECA
Watch this webinar and find out what defects like inherent flaws or in-service cracks mean for your structure in terms of design, validation, inspection and lifetime.
The webinar will give you insight into how fracture mechanics testing and its results can be used during the design and verification phase as a complementary tool to design standards.
- Fatigue testing
IoT and digital technology
IoT for service and maintenance in supply chains
How can IoT enable transparancy across the supply chain and improve the performance of service operations?
The webinar focuses on the service and maintenance domain, investigating how IoT can be used to enable transparency across the supply chain, what are the drivers and barriers for enabling this transparency and, eventually, how this can improve the performance of service operations (i.e. increasing reactivity and enabling a predictive and proactive maintenance approach).