Digital and sustainable innovation in industry
We can help you harness the transformative power of data and IoT technologies to optimise production and foster sustainable business development.
Use us to enhance operational efficiency and reduce environmental impact
We specialise in guiding companies through digital innovation in industry, optimising operations and ensuring accurate data governance to support sustainable development and safe critical infrastructure.
With expertise in commercial services and research collaborations, we help industry backed by a deep understanding of IoT and production, and from the independent and impartial position that a research and technology institute can offer.

Find innovation funding and collaboration opportunities
/Research and development
Contact us to explore digital transformation opportunities and join networks.

Digitalise production for sustainable innovation
Increase production efficiency, reduce costs and promote sustainability through digitalisation.

Get Data Quality - ensure data integrity
Achieve operational excellence in your data-driven processes.

Smart technology advisory services
Identify, validate and evaluate digital technologies with us as your impartial partner.

Meet the team and book an expert
Get help merging digital transformation and sustainability with expert insights.