Cases: Digital and sustainable innovation in industry
Dive into customer solutions and get inspired
Digital and sustainable innovation is reshaping industries worldwide, driving both economic growth and environmental responsibility. Dive into the cases and get inspiration for how you can optimise production and foster sustainable business development.

From efficiency to sustainability
Read about Dynamica Ropes’ digital transformation journey.

Case article: Unilite A/S
Adopting a product configurator to improve operational efficiency and customer experience.

Baden-Jensen A/S case
Towards a digital future through paperless production.

Kalundborg Refinery joins DFA Programme
Explores ways to enhance operational efficiency.

Skako A/S joins DFA programme
Aims to achieve operational excellence and future growth.

Digital Factory Acceleration: Paperless production
Discover challenges and opportunities in paperless production. Gain insights for improvement.

Better decision-making with digital twin
Digital twin helps staff and students at Kold College's dairy production facility make smarter decisions.
IoT solution saves tonnes of fish and a lot of money
ReMoni's sensor system detects error signals in fish deboning machines.

DSB getting under way with IoT and sensor technology
DSB has gained knowledge on IoT and sensors to achieve cheaper, better, and smarter train service.

Christonik ApS smart IoT solution monitor HVAC System
Innobooster kicks off Christonik ApS’s intelligent IoT solution to monitor HVAC System

Automation saves manufacturing costs
BSV Krantilbehør reduces manufacturing costs on core products by more than 10%.

Supply chain optimisation whith IoT solution
At NS System, IoT reduces downtime as well as the trouble of equipment hunting.

Smart technology advisory services

Digitalise production for sustainable innovation
Increase production efficiency, reduce costs and promote sustainability through digitalisation.

Get Data Quality - ensure data integrity
Achieve operational excellence in your data-driven processes.

Meet the team and book an expert
Get help merging digital transformation and sustainability with expert insights.

Digital and sustainable innovation in industry
/Service category
We can help you optimise manufacturing processes sustainably through digital technologies.