Following up on the success from last year, we are happy to announce this year’s conference on sustainability.

Get inspiration and learn about the most recent knowledge on how circularity and sustainability are integrated in electronics in all phases of its life cycle from design, over use to re- and upcycling. Focus will be on long lifetime, robustness, and material optimization.

The main themes are:

  • Sustainable design of products with long lifetime
  • Condition monitoring and lifetime extension of products
  • Re- and upcycling
  • Documentation of sustainability

We are still working on the program, however you can already now get view on the speakers and their presentations: 

“Sustainability in innovation: In search of the absolute sustainable product”

Tim C. McAloone, Professor, PhD, Head of Section of Design for Sustainability at DTU Construct and Co-lead, DTU Centre for absolute Sustainability. Learn more about Tim. 

“Exploring WindowMaster own data to ensure system performance and product circularity”

Karen Andreassen, Standardisation & Product legislation at WindowMaster International A/S and Jannick Roth is the Head of Building Performance Engineering at WindowMaster International A/S. Learn more about Karen and Jannick. 

“Design for Disassembly enabling Circularity”

Lykke Margot Ricard, Associate Professor in Sustainable Innovation and Technology at SDU. Learn more about Lykke.

“Steel in a circular and green agenda”

Kristian Holm Nielsen - Specialist / Metallurgist at FORCE Technology. Learn more about Kristian.

"Extended Life Requirements in Automotive: Case Study of Valeo Power components."

Marco Bonato, Reliability Manager and Reliability Senior Expert, Valeo. Learn more about Marco.

“Humidity resistant design - New strategies”

Anders Bonde Kentved, Specialist, Engineering & Test, FORCE and Jan Bjerre Christensen, Reliability specialist FORCE Technology. Learn more about Anders and Jan.

The conference consists of a common session with focus on the newest knowledge and perspectives on sustainability and circularity followed by two tracks i.e., one on sustainable design for long lifetime and lifetime extension and one on materials optimization with respect to sustainability.

The conference is a part of FORCE Technology’s performance contract “Long live products and materials”.

Target group

Decision makers, development engineers, sustainability, and circularity specialists in the electronics industry.

Language: English


There is no registration fee. However, a no show fee of DKK 500,- will be charged for no show without prior cancellation at the latest 24 h before the conference.

Register here

Logo from SPM, Danish ministry and CLEAN.
The conference is organized in cooperation with the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science, SPM Reliability Management, and CLEAN.