Status assessment of concrete facades, concrete samples and a second opinion from FORCE Technology gave housing associations an extra DKK 60m for renovations.

Spalling concrete facades on 12 high-rise buildings in Brøndby Strand required action. As a social housing project, the four housing associations could apply for funding for the renovations from the Danish National Building Fund (Landsbyggefonden), an independent fund established for making improvements to social housing buildings.

However, the National Building Fund was only able to provide 25% of the funding as the documentation did not qualify the housing associations for more. Therefore, they were encouraged to obtain additional documentation to shed light on the full extent of the damage so the funding percentage could be re-evaluated. The firm of consulting architects and engineers, AI a/s, recommended FORCE Technology for the job.

This is how our concrete specialist became involved in providing a second opinion. She planned the studies, took the necessary samples and drew up a detailed status assessment report. The constructive collaboration between AI and FORCE Technology gave the housing associations a positive financial surprise:

“Based on AI and FORCE Technology´s great work and thorough documentation, the National Building Fund increased the funding from 25 to 75%! That is at least DKK 5m more per high-rise,” declares Project Manager Martin Kjølby from sbs rådgivning a/s, who served as the client advisor for the housing associations.

High-rise buildings in Brøndby Strand
Status assessment of concrete resulted in an extra DKK 60m for renovation