Learn basic auditing techniques and become ready to conduct audits and to further participate on lead auditor courses within ISO 9001, ISO 14001 or ISO 45001.

The Auditor Course is a 3 day generic basis education for auditors, regardless of which type of management systems you are going to audit.

NOTE: you can also find tis course in Danish

The Auditor Course gives access to Lead auditor courses within ISO 9001 (in English or Danish), ISO 14001 (in Danish) or ISO 45001 (in Danish). 

The auditor course deals with the basic principles of auditing and is based on ISO 19011 "Auditing of management systems - Guidance" and provides a brief introduction to management system standards. FORCE Technology's Lead Auditor courses, build on this and also deal with specific requirements of the respective standards.

The Auditor Course must be completed prior to participation on a FORCE Technology Lead Auditor Course.
First Lead auditor course must be started within 24 months of completing the Auditor Course.

Course Aim

Knowledge regarding:

  • Auditing terms
  • Auditing principles
  • Management systems standards high level structure and requirements

Knowledge regarding and training in:

  • Audit process (preparing, conducting and reporting audit)
  • Audit roles and responsibilities
  • Auditor behavior
  • Interview and note taking techniques 

The Auditor Course is concluded with a short test indicating your strengths and weaknesses. Based on this, you can prepare for your possible participation on a lead auditor course. 

The Auditor Course is intensive and requires 100% participation, 1 hour of own follow-up and preparation must be expected between each course day.

Prerequisites for participation

There are no formal requirements to participate in the course, but it is a clear advantage to have a basic understanding of audit and management systems.


You can see the program (subject to changes) for the course by clicking on "Sign up" and then "Documents". Registration is not necessary to view the program.

The Auditor Course alternates between theory and practical exercises with group work and cases.

The course is based on the guidelines for auditing of management systems given in ISO 19011.