Your next product should implement smart, digital features? You have developed a great idea - but how to build it? You have started an IoT product development, but got stuck? Take the “Next Step” with IdemoLab and mature your idea towards a market-ready smart IoT product.

Next step: It’s all about your new smart product and how to overcome the challenges

The main character in our “Next Step” service is you and your smart IoT product. Our focus is on helping you to take the next step in your product development journey.

We begin with a dialogue about where you come from, where you plan to go and why. Due to our experience as hitchhikers through the smart technoverse, we can show you alternatives, shortcuts or convince you to change your destination to places much more worth visiting.

The Next Step process will get you answers to one or several questions, such as:

  • How do I make my product smart, intelligent and meaningful?
  • Which new technology should I apply in my smart product?
  • Which functionalities are important for the success of my product?
  • How do I design the IoT hardware?
  • How to build an IoT hardware platform?
  • How do I validate and use data from my product in a smart way?
  • Is the development process I am using efficient or are there alternatives I should consider?
  • How can I get a rather uncomplicated and quick support at reasonable cost without entering a full-blown product development?

Maturing ideas into successful IoT products

How the next step is formulated for your application depends on where you are in your journey.

Testing a business plan requires different actions than building a prototype to validate a specific part of your concept. Investigating regulatory aspects of an idea will require other measures than getting insight in the possibilities that IoT or smart technology holds for you and your current product offering.

Our general approach is to analyze the current status of your idea, and the competences available in your company. The next step will identify the "less filled cups", help you fill them or find someone who you can partner with in order to carry on.

The 8 steps design process to help you design and validate your idea into a smart IoT products
Our general approach is to analyze the current status of your idea, and the competences available in your company. The next step will identify the "less filled cups", help you fill them or find someone who you can partner with in order to carry on.

Let’s begin – contact us to embark on your journey towards smarter IoT products – or learn more about  the possibilities that IoT and Digital technology holds for your business.