Whitepaper: An introduction to 5G in the industrial domain
It is paramount for industrial players to start building awareness in regard to 5G and its application potentials and needs within their organizations.
As a mobile technology dedicated to wireless data transmission, 5G provides significant improvement potentials regarding lowering data transmission latency over long distances, improving reliability, data transmission volumes and quantity of devices that can be handled at the same time. This is promising both the enhancing of existing Industrial IoT applications as well as the enabling of new ones.
The major factors driving the growth of 5G in the industrial domain are related to the growth in data traffic due to the exponential increase of the number of connected IoT devices within factories and across supply chains and the increasing demand for ultra-reliable and low-latency networks for supporting human-to-machine and machine-to-machine communication and enable the latest technology applications built on top of IoT – such as collaborative robotics and AR/VR assistance tools. In addition to that, the COVID-19 pandemic underlined the importance of 5G for industry. The forced need for remote work highlighted the importance of fast and reliable connections and the limits of current mobile technologies when dealing with a large number of devices transmitting data at the same time across the globe – whether related to online meetings or remote controlling of production equipment.
The purpose of this whitepaper is to address the growing interest and the need for awareness around 5G from an industrial perspective. As 5G is currently in the process of being deployed worldwide, the intent is to provide a synthetic overview of its key characteristics, use categories and potential application cases in the industrial domain, to help future users in approaching the topic and in starting “cracking the nut”.
You can download and read the full version of the whitepaper right here: