Save the date: Reserve 7-9 May 2025 in your calendar for the 5th ReCalibration workshop.

We are glad to invite you to join us for the 5th (Re)calibration workshop on 7-9 May 2025 in Copenhagen in Denmark.

What can you expect?

You can expect a three-day event with a packed program that will be a combination of a tour and demonstrations. We start the workshop with a two-day conference with a series of international keynote speakers within a range of industry-relevant topics including loads of networking possibilities and social events.

Day three will be a networking tour to our facilities in Lyngby or Hørsholm where you can learn about our ship simulators, wind and climate tunnels, electromagnetic compatibility testing and sound quality laboratories and much more.

So reserve the days in your calendar. We expect registration will open in September 2024. The participation price will start with an early bird price of 595 EUR and increase as we get closer to the event. The early brid price will end on 31. December 2024. From 1. January - 1. April the price will increase to 750 EUR. April. More information will be provided as the registration opens.

Do you want to be a speaker at the workshop?

We are looking for speakers for the workshop. If you are interested, please contact Ms. Anna-Maria Nooy. The selection process will be ongoing and be concluded in the beginning of 2025.