FORCE Technology presents the Digital Factory Mapping approach at Aalborg University

FORCE Technology presents the Digital Factory Mapping approach at Aalborg University.

On the 14th of February 2023, FORCE Technology presented its Digital Factory Mapping approach to a full auditorium of students studying Global Business Engineering and Production students at Aalborg University. The presentation was made in collaboration with Professor Brian Vejrum Wæhrens and was co-financed by Industriens Fond, Danish foundation supporting research and innovation in the manufacturing industry, as part of the Digital Factory Acceleration program.

The Digital Factory Mapping is the key approach adopted in the Digital Factory Acceleration program. The methodology has been developed by FORCE Technology and is based on research from the Center for Industrial Production at Aalborg University. Its application aims to help manufacturing companies accelerate their digital transformation journey by translating it into actual production performance improvements. 

Spreading valuable knowledge about the approach

The Digital Factory Mapping involves the mapping of a company's entire production process both from a material flow and an information flow perspective. This facilitates the identification of areas where digital technologies can be implemented to improve efficiency, productivity, and profitability, and the quantification of the related improvements.

During the presentation, Michele Colli, Digital Production Lead at FORCE Technology, provided insights concerning the approach and its practical application and value, showing how this supported companies to embrace new digital technologies to remain competitive in today's global marketplace. 

The presentation of the Digital Factory Mapping approach by FORCE Technology at Aalborg University is one of the several knowledge dissemination activities, sponsored by Industriens Fond, which aim at spreading the knowledge generated during the Digital Factory Acceleration program.