Completed R&D projects
Accelerating technology-driven business development
Cross-disciplinary design methods for product and business development within Servitization.
Advanced lifting equipment simulation
New simulation tools are to support design, testing and operator training for advanced lifting equipment.
Advanced real-time monitoring
Transparency in the supply chain will increase the competitiveness of Danish businesses.
Air sampling-based diagnosis and disease management for cattle and poultry.
Automatic evaluation of complex sensor data
Adaption of AE-methods for composite materials, welds, and concrete structures.
Blue INNOship
Blue INNOship promotes energy efficiency and decreases the CO2, NOx and SOx consumption.
Centre of applied photonics R&D
Establishement of a photonics knowledge centre to ensure the competitiveness of Danish companies.
Competitive and reliable material selections for future energy supply (ENFOS)
Competitive and reliable material selections will improve the competitiveness of Danish small- and medium-sized businesses and contribute to a green transition.
Computation of added resistance in waves
With detailed flow field information in the design phase, it is possible to obtain a good performance in both calm water and in waves.
New project aims to develop tools for smart regulation of wind turbine noise.
Design psychological test centre creates user-friendly products
A new mobile test facility brings product- and service design counselling to the doorstep of the companies.
Development, optimisation and documentation of clean air technologies
Clean air technologies support development and competition in the industrial, transport and energy sectors.
New solutions for smart infrastructure facility monitoring at the Fehmarn Belt.
Ecosystem for IoT development and testing in Denmark
A better ecosystem for IoT development will ensure that Danish businesses remain competitive.
EfficienSea2 - smart solutions for improved connectivity for ships
EfficienSea2: Smart, cloud-based solutions for improved connectivity for ships.
European Biomass CHP in Practice
Solid biomass, biogas, waste and landfill gas for combined heat and power (CHP) production.
Development of new tools to reduce nuisance from road-traffic noise.
Fast track
Accelerated implementation of materials and surface solutions.
Hybrid testing methods
New, quicker, and cheaper tools are to test and validate models for large, complex systems.
Hygiene monitoring in closed production equipment
New methods will ensure better hygiene in closed production equipment.
Industrial mediator for neutron and X-ray analysis at big science facilities
Technical skill sets and a mediator structure will give Danish businesses access to big science facilities.
Industrialisation of large-scale AM
Large AM products are to add value to the Danish industry.
Intelligent monitoring of function-critical steel structures (iMON)
Monitoring and transmitting of structural data, ensuring efficiency in the operation and maintenance of steel structures.
LEANWIND will reduce costs of offshore wind energy
The LEANWIND project uses lean methods to make the price of offshore wind energy competitive.
Maritime simulator-based test & training centre
New simulation tools will improve offshore operations and reduce energy costs.
Metrological infrastructure for - Legal metrology
Adapting the legal metrology services must underpin a digital and sustainable society.
Noise-optimised design
Digital technology and acoustic data is to support physical measurement of noise.
The noise calculation method can predict noise propagating outdoors, e.g. traffic noise.
Surfaces and interfaces in industrial products
Product design using a virtual listening panel
Virtual listening panels designed to expand the opportunities within sound quality measurements.
Product innovation with multiphysical digital twins
New business opportunities are being sought through the use of digital simulation tools.
Risk and safety management in the development and approval of electronic products
First-attempt product approvals will ensure increased competitiveness for Danish companies.
New strategies and methods for self-monitoring of meters and measuring equipment.
Safe and efficient navigation
The improved hydrodynamic ship model will ensure precise simulation of manoeuvres.
Sensors and monitoring for the ambient air of the future
Microsensors will monitor the ambient air of the future.
Strategic service development for small- and medium-sized industrial businesses.
Ship performance evaluation
New methods assure energy efficient and safe ship performance.
Enhancing the manoeuvering performance of ships.
Standards — a key prerequisite
Knowledge of standards, their interpretation, and their use is at the core of all testing and consultancy services.
Teaching metrology 4.0
New instructional materials must meet Danish companies' present and future needs for qualified labour.
The Industry's Composite Laboratory (2013-2015)
The aim of the project was to provide small and medium sized businesses with knowledge relating to the design, manufacturing and quality control of composite materials.
Virtual hydro- and aerodynamic laboratory
New virtual laboratory is to ensure better design processes.