A new ship management platform will optimise and ensure energy efficient operational processes.

Blue INNoship is the name of a large partnership with the objective of decreasing the CO2, NOx and SOx consumption in order to ensure Danish competiveness.

The partnership is cooperation between e.g. industries, ship owners, universities and governmental authorities. The partnership consists of 14 innovation projects whereof this is one.


The goal of the project is to develop and create a common platform focusing on processes supporting the optimisation of energy consumption in ship operations. The project puts great emphasis on promoting and utilising energy efficiency and environmental performance throughout all processes in the daily work on-board.

The vision is to create a new approach to on-board oil consumption through altered and improved monitoring and operational processes.

Target group

The project targets issues that are relevant for ship owners, ship operators, service providers and system providers that are users or providers of vessel performance monitoring, management or decision support.


As one of the developers working on this project our focus is to develop and implement a standard for data systems on-board and on-shore. One standard will improve the accessibility for ships within the decision making of systems offered by different distributors. Blue

Consequently, a standard like this will enable an easier process of connecting data systems at sea with systems on-shore because it will specify how the different systems from different distributors are connected.

Overall, an optimised vessel performance management platform will improve the efficiency of on-board operations, while also increasing the awareness among the crew when it comes to upholding a high quality of energy efficiency.