The experience club for food contact materials is an active forum for exchanging knowledge related to food contact materials across specialisations and industries.

Network meetings on food contact materials

The network for food contact materials is a professional forum where members can gain knowledge and share experiences in the area of food contact materials.

At the meetings, we review and discuss a variety of issues in this area while taking into account the desires of our members.

Previous discussion topics include:

  • Food contact material legislation in Denmark, the EU, and the US
  • Documentation requirements and challenges affecting the various links in the value chain, focusing on documentation for production equipment and enforcement of regulatory requirements
  • Drafting of declarations of conformity for individual components, assembled equipment, and machinery
  • Assessment of conformity documentation
  • Migration testing and composition documentation for food contact materials, focusing on problematic substances in various plastics, rubber, silicone, and metals
  • Edge cases in food contact materials that can impact which substances could contaminate foods, including lubricants, foreign objects, and process water management.

Network meetings are held four times per year. The club also has a group page on LinkedIn where members can discuss industry issues and learn about the latest developments in food contact materials. The LinkedIn group is provided solely for knowledge sharing purposes.

Learn more about our meetings and topics in the Danish network site.

How can I join the Professional network for food contact materials?

Fill out the form (in the Danish site) and join the network.