Hear how road surface age influences noise
Did you know that the age of a road surface plays a significant role in traffic noise? The older the surface, the more noise it makes.
Road noise is influenced by several factors, including the surface type, condition, and age. In Denmark, surfaces are often compared to a reference type, SMA 11. While noise-reducing surfaces are quieter than standard surfaces, their effectiveness diminishes as they age. Older surfaces, regardless of type, tend to produce higher noise levels.
For comparison, listen to the noise levels of three different surfaces: a brand-new surface, a 7-year-old surface, and a 17-year-old reference surface (SMA 11).
- Connect your headset to your computer and ensure the left and right channels are correctly configured.
- Press the black boxes to start playback. You can switch between options during playback to compare the noise levels.
- Avoid adjusting the volume to maintain the system's calibrated settings.