Compliance partnership strengthens Glaucus’ technical competencies and relationships
With specialist knowledge, Glaucus matches the customers’ technical requirements and expectations and obtains more stable and seamless collaborative relations with customers and subcontractors.
The Danish company Glaucus delivers Forward Repair Systems and other equipment for public authorities within the defense and police sectors. When they deliver equipment to international customers Glaucus often requires expert knowledge and technical advice to handle key aspects within quality assurance and compliance with specific requirements and standards. This process can be quite resource-intensive, which is why they use FORCE Technology as a compliance partner.
”When we engage in discussions with our customers we require high-level technical expertise, which we can obtain from FORCE Technology,” says Glaucus’ managing director Christoffer Gregers Glaesel,” We use FORCE Technology for quality assurance, technical consultation, CE marking, and compliance with international directives and legislation. This enables us to always match the technical standards of our customers.”
Strategic collaboration with broad expertise
The collaboration between Glaucus and FORCE Technology has evolved over time, and now encompasses various professional subjects:
”FORCE Technology has helped us with many different aspects, including quality inspection of deliveries from subcontractors, production monitoring, visual inspection, and ensuring that our products are compliant with requirements and standards. Today, I see FORCE Technology as an integrated part of our value proposition at Glaucus – as a strategic partner” says Christoffer Gregers Glaesel, who also values impartiality:” For us, it is also an important aspect that we have a partner that is an independent third party - for us, it is an additional quality assurance.”
Technical knowledge of standards
It is especially important for Glaucus to gain access to the experts’ in-depth knowledge of statutory requirements and standards:
”It is highly valuable for us to leverage FORCE Technology’s engineering expertise in various areas such as coatings, welding, and, not least, knowledge of the machinery directive and regulatory requirements,” says Christoffer Gregers Glaesel.
Many of Glaucus’ customers have high and very specific requirements for the equipment, which demands in-depth technical knowledge and strict management in terms of regulatory requirements. For instance, FORCE Technology has been involved in several quality inspections conducted at Glaucus’ subcontractor´s facilities.
”It has been invaluable that we established strict guidelines with our subcontractors from the beginning regarding requirements for coatings, for example. This has actually resulted in no issues with the subcontractors,” says managing director Christoffer Gregers Glaesel of Glaucus.
A name that carries weight
It is also important for Glaucus to have a technically proficient and knowledgeable partner when dealing with their customers.
”The collaboration with FORCE Technology provides us with credibility towards our customers and ensures that we meet their requirements and specifications, thus fulfilling their expectations," says Glaucus’ Christoffer Gregers Glaesel. "FORCE Technology is a highly respected company, both within and outside of Denmark. We also benefit from collaborating with individuals whom our customers know and respect."