Still water tank tests
A model-scale still water tank test is made to predict propulsive performance of a full-scale vessel.
The results of testing in the still water tank can be used when important decisions about main engine, gearbox and propeller are to be made for a newbuilding. Furthermore, this type of data is utilized as baseline data for sea trials and/or performance evaluation of vessels in service.
Three types of tests
Generally, still water tests consist of three standard types of model tests:
- open water performance of the propeller alone. The result is a non-dimensional propeller characteristic where the first conclusions about the propeller design can be made, i.e. is the propeller efficient and how much power is needed to generate the requested thrust. Furthermore, the open water characteristics are important for QA checks during the self-propulsion model tests
- resistance tests of the hull alone, i.e. hull without propeller but including all other appendages. This test indicates if the hull lines are optimal or if further optimisation steps are needed, e.g. further CFD studies. The resistance is important for evaluation of the overall propulsive efficiency
- self-propulsion tests with the appended hull where the propeller is mounted. These are the third and last tests to be carried out in order to have a complete performance prediction. Input from the open water and resistance tests is important for the self-propulsion analysis and full-scale performance prediction. The most important results of the self-propulsion tests are curves with propeller revolutions and power as a function of the vessel speed.
Towing tanks
Facilities letting our customers their test ships and offshore structures under extreme conditions.
Mandatory EEDI
Ship designs have been focused on fuel efficiency and footprint emissions for a long time.
EEDI verification
Development and innovation are focus areas in the process of increasing the efficiency of ships.
Ship propulsion optimisation
Shipowners are focusing on performance of their existing fleet instead of ordering newbuildings.