Towing tank facilities
Ensure your vessels and offshore structures perform optimally under extreme weather, wave and current situations before the actual construction phase.
Our towing tank facilities:
Deep water towing tank
- Length x breadth x water depths: 240 x 12 x 5.5 m
- Speed: From 0 to 14 m/s
- Accuracy: +/- 0.2% of actual value
- Maximum wave height: 0.9 m

Shallow water towing tank
- Length x breadth x water depths: 25 x 8 x 0 to 0.8 m
- Speed: From 0 to 2 m/s
- Accuracy: +/- 0.2% of actual value

Contact us to find out how you can get the most of our unique facilities for hydrodynamic testing.
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Get help to calculate EEXI and CII ratings
The vessel carbon intensity index (CII) is a step towards decarbonising international shipping.
Vortex Induced Vibrations or Motions (VIV/VIM)
VIV/VIM tests can determine the critical current directions of the resulting transverse oscillation.
Still water tank test
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Mooring analyses of fish farming cages
We ensure your fish farming cage system can withstand sea loads.
Seakeeping evaluation
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Ship performance
Still water tank tests and numerical calculations.
Dynamic Positioning (DP) investigations
The dynamic positioning system allows the vessel to operate at sea without mooring or anchoring.
Manoeuvring evaluation
Performance of model tests at the early design stage to evaluate manoeuvring characteristics.
Overtrawlability testing
Testing whether an underwater structure can be over-trawled may indicate potentially critical areas.