Port studies
Redeveloping or developing a port is a significant investment, which may have a widespread economical and environmental impact and requires that numerous aspects are addressed. By using simulators various scenarios can be replicated and tested.
Developing an innovative and sustainable shipping industry
The shipping industry is responsible for moving approximately 80 % of the world's freight transport. It is therefore an integral part of the global economy, but it is also an industry facing increased regulations with more stringent minimum safety and environmental performance requirements, challenging freight cost as well as competitive pressure which necessitate the development of innovative and cost-efficient operations.
This is reflected in the need to adapt and develop ports and harbours which can accommodate ships of increasing size and cater for changing markets as seen globally.
Optimising safety and efficiency of ports
Larger ships may require new berthing facilities and further have an impact on turning basins, sailing channels, navigational aids and likewise. In order to be profitable a port must operate at a high degree of efficiency. Therefore, every factor concerning the port has to be addressed thoroughly from the start.
Key aspects like
- approach and departure conditions
- operational limits
- tug requirements
- limiting conditions due to water depth, assessment of downtime for operations, dredging limits and location of aids to navigation
are but a few of the issues that contribute to the safety and efficiency of a port.
Virtual reality is the key
By using ship bridge simulators various scenarios can be replicated utilising highly accurate numerical modelling tools. These tools model the interaction between a vessel and the ambient surroundings by replicating the hydrodynamic response of the vessel when exposed to external forces and effects.
Simulators are therefore essential when modifying or building a new port. They provide the environment where various lay-outs, decisions and predetermined criteria can be evaluated under conditions corresponding to the planned ones. Simulators also provide the common platform where stakeholders can address their issues and relate them to the other stakeholders.
The simulator based approach is the proven method to establish the data and observations required to make informed decisions with regard to safety, efficiency and other impacts.
Accelerating experience
Simulators are likewise used extensively for planning the day-to-day port operations such as how tugs deployed are operated most safely and efficiently. By training in simulators strategies and procedures may be meticulously evaluated and rehearsed before an operation is carried out. Thus instilling confidence in the crews and accelerating the accumulation of on-board experience.
FAQ: Port studies

Successful remote simulation in Port of Rønne
Simulation studies used in evaluation
Simulation studies were used to evaluate the New Port of Veracruz.
Designing ports for safety and efficiency
Pilots and captains need feel comfortable when using the port.
Tugs in ports - what is important?
Match tug capability to ships and port — use navigational simulations to guide port planning.
