The sensor laboratory has state-of-the-art equipment for testing and calibrating all types of gas and particle sensors.

Sensor calibration and validation of particle measuring instruments

Our laboratory for calibration of gas and particle sensors has instrumentation for generating gases at known concentrations, from the ppb range to the % range. In addition, the laboratory contains a large number of reference instruments for checking interferences, temperature, moisture, etc.

The specialists at the sensor laboratory are developing new techniques for gas generation to enable performing cost-effective calibrations of microsensors.

At the sensor laboratory, we can also validate instruments for measuring airborne particles, including sensors to measure particle numbers and Black Carbon (soot particles).

In the sensor calibration laboratory, we can conduct:

  • Testing and validation of gas sensors
  • Cost-effective calibration of microsensors
  • Testing and validation of particle sensors.

Multicalibration of small sensors

Calibration of gas sensors via controlled exposure to traceable gas concentrations by dilution has been offered for a long time. However, when it comes to small low-cost sensors, the cost of such calibrations can often become unfeasible in comparison to the production cost of the sensor itself.

FORCE Technology has therefore designed a multi-calibration chamber where a vast number of sensors simultaneously can be exposed to a well-defined gas concentration. Depending on the sensor design, this enables one-shot calibration of multiple sensors, as well as fast handling of calibration certificates.

Contact us, and we can help find a solution suitable for your sensor type. 

Sensor laboratory for calibration of gas sensors and particle sensors
The sensor laboratory has equipment for dosing known concentrations of gases and particles, including ultrafine particles and Black Carbon (soot particles).

Frequently Asked Questions about the Sensor Laboratory


Calibration of gassensores at the sensorlaboratory at FORCE Technology
Calibration of the ozone monitor using gas phase titration when dosing ozone and NO.
Laboratory for calibration of particle sensores at FORCE Technology
Validation of particle sensors when dosing known particle sizes and measurement by reference instrument.
The graphs and tables show how the sensors deviates at repeated measurements of dosed and traceable concentrations. This is described in a calibration certificate.
The above graphs and table show how the sensors deviate upon repeated measurements at dosed, traceable concentrations. This is described in a calibration certificate that applies to the instrument tested.