Assessment of cables according to Construction Products Regulation (CPR)
As a Notified Body under the CPR for assessment of cables, we offer the required, independent testing and assessment of the reaction to fire performance of cables.
The CPR identifies a number of basic requirements that must be met by products used in construction works, e.g. buildings, roads and bridges. Examples of these requirements are:
- Mechanical resistance and stability
- Safety in case of fire
- Hygiene, health and the environment.
Testing of cables according to CPR
Although cables are not traditionally considered a construction product, electrical cables that are part of the fixed installation in buildings are important for safety. In case of fire, cables must prevent fire spreading and generation of smoke. Therefore, cables are subject to the requirements of the CPR.
We are a Notified Body (see section below) under the CPR for assessment of cables. We offer the required, independent testing and assessment of the reaction to fire performance of cables. In this context, cables cover:
- Data communication cables, including optical fibre cables
- Electrical power cables
- Control cables.
The reference standard and what it specifies
The basic reference standard for cables and their performance with respect to fire under the CPR is: EN 50575:2014 + A1:2016: Power, control and communication cables (cables for general applications in construction works subject to reaction to fire requirements).
The standard specifies reaction to fire requirements, including test and assessment methods, and addresses requirements for release of dangerous substances. Furthermore, it specifies requirements for type testing, Factory Production Control (FPC), and which system shall be used for Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP).
EN 50575 defines a number of reactions to fire classes Aca, B1ca, B2ca, Cca, Dca, Eca, and Fca for which the applicable test methods are as shown in the table below.
Test methods for reaction to fire classes
The results from the above tests may – under given conditions – be used as a basis for the formal reaction to fire classification of the cable by the Notified Body.
Cables must be CE-marked
Since July 2017, all cables used within the EU for construction works (e.g. buildings, roads, and bridges) must be CE-marked to be legally placed on the EU market.
If you are a cable manufacturer, you must:
- decide which reaction to fire classification your cable should match (classes are from Aca to Fca, and have specific test methods)
- have your cable type tested by a Notified Testing Laboratory (e.g. FORCE Technology) or certified by a Notified Product Certification Body (e.g. FORCE Certification), depending on the class
- establish and maintain a Factory Production Control (FPC) system to ensure the constancy of performance
- draw up a DoP (Declaration of Performance) for the reaction to fire classification of your cable
- ensure your cables are labelled and carry a visible CE mark.
Note that it is your responsibility as the manufacturer that all necessary steps in the specified conformity assessment procedure have been completed before affixing the CE mark, including involvement of notified bodies as applicable.
If you are importing cables to the EU and market the cables in your own name, you have the same obligations as the physical manufacturer.
Notified Testing Laboratory
A Notified Body is an independent organisation, which has been designated by the national authorities in one of the EU member states to perform conformity assessment tasks for a given type of product and/or EU legislation.
Examples of notified bodies are: Notified Testing Laboratory, Notified Inspection Body and Notified Product Certification Body.
FORCE Technology is the expert within testing and certification of cables. We are a Notified Testing Laboratory (NB 0199) with professional testing facilities and extensive knowledge about the applicable standards and testing methods for cables.
FORCE Technology works together with Notified Product Certification Body FORCE Certification (NB 0200) when product certification under CPR is requested.
We would be pleased to work closely with you for test and certification of your cables. Please contact us for more information.
Find information on CPR-tested and certified products
To access the existing certificates, simply visit our database of companies and fire classes below.
- Companies in our CPR programme
- Companies by CPR fire classes.