An X-ray measuring system can contribute to optimising production and improving product quality. Furthermore, the system can assist in maximising resource utilisation by minimising errors and waste.

Improve quality and production

We have developed and installed many X-ray measuring systems that help secure optimal production, maximum production yield and optimal product quality. We configure the systems to fit and live up to your specific requirements. 

Our X-ray measuring systems are built to optimise your production and product quality, reduce waste and consumption of raw materials and to document production.

We develop X-ray measuring systems for, among other things:

  • production control in pipe production
  • quality control of welds joining coils
  • production and process control of materials or products moved on conveyer systems
  • production control of flexible or rigid polymer based foam

Furthermore, we are OEM supplier of X-ray based core components and system parts to different industrial sectors.

Find a measuring system for your production

Below you can read more about our different X-ray measuring systems and download detailed product sheets. Please contact us, if you have any questions or inquiries.

In-line production control of pipes (TwinEye, TripleEye)

In-line production control of pipes (TwinEye, TripleEye)
Our X-ray measuring systems for pipe production lines improve product quality, optimise production, reduce production costs and provide you automatic product documentation.

In-line quality control of welds joining coils (AWC)

In-line quality control of welds joining coils (AWC)
The automatic weld control is an X-ray system for in-line quality control of welds joining coils. It indicates risk of strip breakage caused by non-conforming quality of the weld.

In-line production and process control (X-FORCE-Scan)

In-line production and process control (X-FORCE-Scan)
The X-FORCE-Scan detects and identifies dimension, shape, area weight, density, quantity and invisible objects in products moving a conveyer system.

In-line inspection of flexible and rigid foam (PolyScan)

The PolyScan X-ray scanner
PolyScan is our X-ray scanner system for in-line inspection, density measurement and dimensional measurement of for example flexible foam or rigid polymer based foam.

OEM supplier

OEM equipment
We are a leading OEM supplier of core components and system parts to instrumentation, system and solution suppliers operating in different industrial sectors.

If you want to know more, please contact us.