Clean air and reducing emissions
Clean air is a focal point of the global health agenda. FORCE Technology works to support industry, government, and society at large in measuring, documenting, and reducing emissions that are harmful to human health and the climate.

Documentation of greenhouse gas emissions, substituting green alternatives, and CO2 capture
In 2020, the Danish government adopted the Danish Climate Act, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 70% by 2030 such that Denmark can become climate-neutral by 2050. In the green transformation, technological developments aim to reduce CO2 emissions through the development of new, green, carbon-neutral fuels that can replace fossil fuels, as well as through methods for removing CO2 from the atmosphere, which is known as "carbon capture".
Many of these new, green technologies will lead to reductions not only in CO2, but also in many other pollutants traditionally associated with fossil fuel combustion. However, as we race to meet climate targets, it is important that we do not develop and deploy technologies which, in the worst-case scenario, could lead to the emission of new substances that are harmful to health and the environment.

Proper measurement and documentation as prerequisites for reducing emissions
At FORCE Technology, we see clean air as a basic human need. For us, reducing emissions is a key element of our contribution to the green transformation and improved standards of living.
We are continuously working on methods for measuring emissions, particles, and gases more precisely and accurately. These methods are a prerequisite for selecting emission reduction methods and properly documenting their effects.
To this end, we leverage our impartiality, our broad assortment of development and testing facilities, and our expertise in emission measurement, reduction, and documentation to support industry actors, research institutions, and government agencies in developing and refining new, green technologies and methods, including green fuels and carbon capture processes.
Measurement, access to development and testing facilities, and air technology research and development
To support Danish businesses in reducing emissions, we offer:
Measurement, documentation, and consultancy
Providing more knowledge and enabling better decision-making for businesses, local and national governments, and citizens who want to reduce emissions. We do this by measuring, documenting and consulting on emissions.
Access to development and testing environments
Providing businesses with better and faster access to development and testing environments, as well as impartial consultancy on air, odours, particles, and gases, as well as a wide range of air technologies.
Research, development, and knowledge sharing
Developing and sharing new knowledge, tools, and solutions to improve Denmark's competitiveness and create more sustainable environments and communities. We accomplish this in a variety of ways, including research and development projects.Cases

Measuring air quality in Copenhagen
Knowledge about air pollution gives Copenhagen Municipality a better basis for decision-making.

'Plug & play' emission measurement systems
FORCE Technology's calibration certificates made the approval of Explicit's measurement systems easy.

Air quality at the Langelinie quay
FORCE Technology has measured the air quality at the Langelinie quay, where the cruise ships dock.
Learn more about clean air and air emission reduction

Future emissions from green fuels

What is carbon capture, and how does it work?