Fatigue testing
The understanding of materials ability to withstand influences from the environment is increasing and crucial.
Fatigue Testing of materials and joints
The need for understanding of materials, joints or products ability to withstand continuous influence of stresses and corrosion environment are increasing these years as designs are being more and more advanced.As a manufacturer, owner or authority you may wish to get this understanding in the most efficient way minimizing the time and costs during the design phase, under operation or in worth case after failure. By using our well equipped test machines operating with high as well as low frequencies we can provide you with fatigue curves within few days.
The fatigue testing may be performed by:
- Fatigue testing with a specific load for a specific number of cycles
- Determination of S/N-curves
- Determination of Vöhler-curves
- Determination by staircase method


Mechanical testing of materials
Control and examination of mechanical properties of materials and welds.

Tensile testing
Accredited tensile testing of materials, metals and joining methods ensures reliable results

Fracture mechanic testing
Stay ahead of brittle fracture, crack growth or material defects
Toughness testing
One of the most feared failures in steels is brittle fracture because it happens with no warning.
Testing of welds, brazings and expansion procedures
Testing of welds, brazings and expansion procedures is crucial in many industries of today.