Accredited tensile testing of materials, metals, and joining methods ensures reliable results.

Tensile testing of materials, metals and joining methods

Manufacturers, suppliers, owners or authorities often benefit from having the strength of materials or joining methods determined by physical tensile testing. Verification is typically performed when:
  • Material properties must be documented
  • Material certificates are upgraded – e.g. from  3.1 to 3.2 material certificates according to EN 10204.
  • Welding procedure testing (WPQR)
  • Type testing – e.g. reinforcement steel materials or welded reinforcement steels
Tensile testing

Standard tensile testing at ambient or elevated temperatures offers a variety of information about the tested item such as:

  • Tensile strength (Rm)
  • Yield strength (Re)
  • Proof strength, e.g. 0,2%-strength (R0,2)
  • Elongation 
  • Reduction of area (Z)
  • Deformation 
Accredited testing ensures a high quality in the testing performed and reliable results. All laboratories are accredited according to national accreditation schemes: DANAK, SWEDAC and Norsk Akkreditation.

With the advantage of having internal workshops for machining of test specimens it is ensured that the delivery time is reduced and adjusted to your wishes.