The industry’s access to test of air emissions, air quality, indoor climate, and working environment

The air testing laboratory for accredited air pollution measurements

The air testing laboratory at FORCE Technology is the industry’s access to all-round handling and accredited measurements of air pollution in air emissions, air quality, indoor climate, and working environment.

Our air testing laboratory consists of an extensive fleet of instruments covering mobile measuring equipment for measurement and analysis of gasses and particles in chimneys, outdoor air, indoor climate, and working environment as well as a laboratory for calibration and check of measuring equipment.

At our air testing laboratory, we can perform accredited measurements of a wide range of measurement parameters in:

FAQs about the air testing laboratory

Take a tour in the air testing laboratory

Emission measurement for dust, SO2, NH3, HCl and HF
Dust emission measurement SO2, NH3, HCl, and HF.
Emission measurement with multi-component monitor (FTIR, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) for H2O, CO2, CO, N2O, NO, NO2, SO2, NH3, HCl, HF, and CH4.
Calibration facilities. Here we calibrate, check, and repair the emission measuring equipment.
Calibration and linearization of monitors for SO2, CO, CO2, O2, and NOX.
Calibration and check of gas meters and mass flow meters.
Calibration and linearization of monitors for SO2, CO, CO2, O2, and NOX.