Download whitepaper on the development of autonomous underwater drones. Here, you will gain insight into and an overview of the latest technological opportunities in aquatic environments.

The use of sensors in aquatic environments is rapidly growing. This is mainly due to new use cases in ocean, lake and river systems, which have become possible thanks to new sensors for, e.g., inspection of underwater structures and execution of complex underwater actions.

Sensors for underwater observation and interaction

The whitepaper details how different sensor technologies can be used to monitor and interact with underwater environments. It also describes how acoustic, optical, and electromagnetic sensors can enhance our understanding and interaction with the world beneath the water.

Autonomous drones in future underwater exploration

Autonomous underwater drones are no longer science fiction. Autonomy combined with advanced sensor technologies can lead to more efficient and safe underwater operations.

Download the whitepaper and get:

  • Knowledge about the technological advancements driving the development of autonomous underwater drones
  • Examples of how autonomous underwater drones are already making a difference today, and what the future may hold
  • Overview of different sensor types that can be mounted on drones
  • Insight into the growing market for underwater drones and the opportunities it presents for various industries.