Reuse and lifetime extension of sustainable products and materials

The excessive consumption of the earth's resources is worsening and has a profoundly negative impact on the environment. We need to consume resources more wisely, use our products smarter for longer and find better ways to reuse or recycle them.

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A longer product life

We need to extend the lifetime of products and materials to minimise the use of resources and reduce our impact on the climate. Product phases must be optimised, and maintenance and repairs prioritised. Resources that would otherwise become waste must return to the value chain or enter into new cycles. To accomplish this and improve our ability to reuse resources, material knowledge and separation, take-back systems and data are essential.
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Optimal resource use

Thanks to the latest knowledge and modern facilities that support processes like large-scale additive manufacturing (AM), repairing products and extending their lives is more feasible than ever. Our specialists have deep insights into the properties of materials and can help with troubleshooting and the separation and reuse of product components, making better use of resources possible.

Lifetime extension, reuse, and research

To support a company's green transformation, we offer the following services:
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Lifetime extension

Product lifetime extension can involve optimising product usage, increasing repairability, condition monitoring, refurbishment to minimise a product's environmental impact, the manufacturing process or business. We consider each product and usage pattern individually and advise on whether lifetime extension is a good option, assisting you in finding a solution using processes like flow analyses, simulations and additive manufacturing (AM).
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To ensure that resources are used optimally, we help businesses analyse the potential for reusing products and materials. We also assist businesses in reusing materials by analysing materials and compositions and testing products made from recycled components and materials.
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Research, development, and knowledge sharing

We develop and share new knowledge, tools and solutions to improve a company's competitiveness and create more sustainable businesses and products through research and development projects and as an expert partner in numerous networks. 
Thomas Bech Hansen

For more information, contact

Thomas Bech Hansen

Executive Vice President

T: +45 51 29 32 22