Get objective audio quality measurements on your head/ear-worn devices, spanning frequency response and distortion audio characterisation, ANC measurements, 3QUEST, POLQA and deep-learning-based speech quality metrics.
Electroacoustic measurements have never been this easy
Our comprehensive suite of electroacoustic measurement services includes everything from frequency response and distortion analysis to advanced deep-learning-based speech quality assessments. With our objective tools we can provide you with valuable insights and documentation on the technical performance of your audio product.
Contact SenseLab
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Thanks to our state-of-the-art facilities and tools, we can provide professional measurements of audio devices using advanced head and torso simulators like B&K HATS (5128, 4128, 4100) and GRAS KEMAR (45BB). Our capabilities extend to ANC measurements via a 26-loudspeaker array, enabling complex background noise playback to replicate real-world scenarios accurately. Additionally, we offer a variety of objective speech quality metrics, including 3QUEST, POLQA, NISQA, and DNS-MOS P.835, available upon request.
SenseLab provides a comprehensive range of objective audio quality measurements, including frequency response, distortion characterisation, Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) measurements, and advanced metrics like 3QUEST and POLQA. We also utilise multiple deep-learning-based speech quality metrics. Our Higher-Order Ambisonics Sound Scene Repository (HOA-SSR) for immersive audio experiences will also be included, enabling detailed spatial analysis and evaluation.
We utilise state-of-the-art facilities equipped with advanced tools for professional measurements of audio devices. Our measurements are performed on various head and torso simulators, including B&K HATS (5128, 4128, 4100) and GRAS KEMAR (45BB), ensuring accuracy and reliability.
ANC measurements are conducted in our 26-loudspeaker array. This setup allows for the playback of complex background noise scenes, providing an accurate assessment of a device's noise-cancelling capabilities.
ANC measurements are conducted in our 26-loudspeaker array. This setup allows for the playback of complex background noise scenes, providing an accurate assessment of a device's noise-cancelling capabilities.Yes, we offer a wide range of objective metrics for assessing speech quality over communication channels. Upon customer request, we can perform tests using 3QUEST, POLQA, NISQA, and DNSMOS P.835.
At SenseLab, we prioritise reliability in our measurements. Our advanced facilities, tools and expertise ensure that our audio quality assessments are accurate and trustworthy.
Get in touch via the contact form on the right to discuss your specific measurement needs. Our team will work with you to customise a solution that meets your requirements.